Dr Frank Brink

Frank has a BSc in Applied Physics, an MSc in X-ray analytical techniques and a PhD in Solid State Chemistry. He joined ANU in 1994 and has developed extensive experience in the maintenance and operation of scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Frank's primary expertise is in providing expert support in quantitative X-ray microanalysis, mineral mapping and a range of materials SEM applications. More recently he has taken up a role in supporting both cryo and room temperature focussed ion beam (FIB) applications.
Selected publications:
J. K. Pearce, A. D. La Croix, F. J. Brink, P. J. Hayes, J. R. Underschultz; CO 2 mineral trapping comparison in different regions: predicted geochemical reactivity of the Precipice Sandstone reservoir and overlying Evergreen Formation. August 2021, Petroleum Geoscience 27(3):petgeo2020-106
Renzulli, A.; Taussi, M.; Brink, F.J.; Del Moro, S.; Henley, R.W; Sulphide Globules in a Porcellanite-Buchite Composite Xenolith from Stromboli Volcano (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy): Products of Open-System Igneous Pyrometamorphism. June 2021, Minerals 11(6):639
Kieran O'Gorman, Dominique Tanner, Mariana Sontag-González, Bo Li, Frank Brink, Brian G.Jones, Anthony Dosseto, Jatmiko, Richard G.Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs; Composite grains from volcanic terranes: Internal dose rates of supposed ‘potassium-rich’ feldspar grains used for optical dating at Liang Bua, Indonesia. June 2021, Quaternary Geochronology 64:101182
Kieran O'Gorman, Frank Brink, Dominique Tanner, Bo Li, Zenobia Jacobs; Calibration of a QEM-EDS system for rapid determination of potassium concentrations of feldspar grains used in optical dating. February 2021, Quaternary Geochronology 61:101123
A. Lynton Jaques, Frank Brink, Jiang Chen; Magmatic haggertyite in olivine lamproites of the West Kimberley region, Western Australia. November 2020, American Mineralogist 105(11)
Melanie J.Sieber, Frank J. Brink, Clyde Leys, Penelope L.King, Richard W.Henley; Prograde and retrograde metasomatic reactions in mineralised magnesium-silicate skarn in the Cu-Au Ertsberg East Skarn System, Ertsberg, Papua Province, Indonesia. July 2020, Ore Geology Reviews 125:103697.
Mohammad Saadatfar, Frank Brink, Shane Latham, Penelope King, Jill Middleton, Ulrike Troitzsch, Michael Turner & Richard W. Henley; High resolution 3D mapping of grain kinematics during high temperature sequestration of SO2 from flue gas by carbonate aggregates. February 2020, Scientific Reports 10(1)
J. K. Pearce, A. D. La Croix, F. Brink, V. Honari, S. Gonzalez, A. Harfoush, J. R. Underschultz; CO2-water-rock predictions from aquifer and oil field drill core data: The Precipice Sandstone-Evergreen Formation CO2 storage reservoir-seal pair. December 2019, ASEG Extended Abstracts 2019(1):1-5
Qingbo Sun, Shaoyang Zhang, David Cortie, Julien Langley, Nicholas Cox, Terry J. Frankcombe, Jie Gao, Hua Chen, Ray L. Withers, Felipe Kremer, Dehong Yu, Frank Brink, Wensheng Shi, and Yun Liu; Highly Efficient Visible Light Catalysts Driven by Ti3+‐VO‐2Ti4+‐N3‐ Defect Clusters. October 2018, ChemNanoMat 5(2)
Fang Fang, Loïc Martin, Ian S.Williams, Frank Brink, Norbert Mercier, Rainer Grün; 2D modelling: A Monte Carlo approach for assessing heterogeneous beta dose rates in luminescence and ESR dating: Paper ΙΙ, application to igneous rocks. July 2018, Quaternary Geochronology 48
Richard W. Henley, Frank J. Brink, Penelope L. King, Clyde Leys, Jibamitra Ganguly, Terrance Mernagh, Jill Middleton, Christian J. Renggli, Melanie Sieber, Ulrike Troitzsch & Michael Turner; High temperature gas–solid reactions in calc–silicate Cu–Au skarn formation; Ertsberg, Papua Province, Indonesia. November 2017, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172(11-12).
Tara Edwards, Elle Grono, Andy I.R. Herries, Frank J.Brink, Ulrike Troitzsch, Tim Senden, Michael Turner, Aleese Barron, Lauren Prossor, Tim Denham; Visualising scales of process: Multi-scalar geoarchaeological investigations of microstratigraphy and diagenesis at hominin bearing sites in South African karst. July 2017, Journal of Archaeological Science 83(3):1-11
Richard W. Henley, Penelope L. King, Jeremy L. Wykes, Christian J. Renggli, Frank J. Brink, David A. Clark & Ulrike Troitzsch; Porphyry copper deposit formation by sub-volcanic sulphur dioxide flux and chemisorption. March 2015, Nature Geoscience 8(3):210-215
Wanbiao Hu, Yun Liu, Ray L Withers, Terry J Frankcombe, Lasse Norén, Amanda Snashall, Melanie Kitchin, Paul Smith, Bill Gong, Hua Chen, Jason Schiemer, Frank Brink, Jennifer Wong-Leung; Electron-pinned defect-dipoles for high-performance colossal permittivity materials. June 2013, Nature Materials 12(9)