Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy (Life Sciences)

CLEM image of a grey cell with small green fluorescent molecules on it. It is a combination of an SEM image and a confocal image

By the end of this course participants are expected to be able to understand:

  • how an SEM works
  • how to prepare samples for various applications
  • how to optimise SEM for biological imaging, and
  • identify the various components making up an SEM.

Specific topics covered

  • How does the SEM work
  • Instrument components
  • Signals in the SEM
  • Aberrations
  • Depth of Field
  • Optimising SEM Conditions
    • Image Resolution
    • Low Voltage SEM
  • Sample preparation for biological material including possible artefacts
  • Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)

Scanning Electron Microscopes and Electron Microprobe

Biological applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy

Please register your interest for the next workshop here.

Maximum number of students: 6

Updated:  24 February 2025/Responsible Officer:  Science web/Page Contact:  Science web